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International Journal of Physiotherapy (IJPHY) Is an open-access, peer-reviewed, quarterly journal. IJPHY aims to publish quarterly and accepts for publishing original and research articles, meta-analysis and review papers, case histories or single case studies, book reviews, physiotherapy education, reports from scientific conferences and professional training sessions, letters to the editor concerning functional disorders within the body and the possibilities of prevention and treatment as well as the application of different methods of physiotherapy.

The mission of the International Journal of Physiotherapy (IJPHY) is to publish genuine and original research, provide free access to articles for students, academicians, and clinicians for future studies, and establish a database for researchers and clinicians to implement research findings into clinical Physiotherapy practice. The vision is to evolve into a leading journal that publishes high research standards in physiotherapy.

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  • Quality peer review
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  • Fast and efficient online submission
  • Indexed in many International and national databases

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Current Issue

Volume 12, Special Issue 1, 2025

"International Conference on Advances in Physiotherapy (ICAP) 2.0"

The highly anticipated International Conference on Advances in Physiotherapy (ICAP) 2.0 was successfully held on November 9-10, 2024, by the Department of Physiotherapy, University of Engineering and Management (UEM), Jaipur.

This premier event brought together renowned experts, researchers, and practitioners in the field of physiotherapy to share cutting-edge knowledge, innovative techniques, and best practices.

Over two days, delegates engaged in stimulating discussions, hands-on workshops, and keynote presentations that explored the latest advancements in physiotherapy research, education, and clinical practice.
Over 150 abstracts were submitted to the ICAP 2.0 out of which 50 were selected to present in the conference.

ICAP 2.0 provided a dynamic platform for networking, collaboration, and professional growth, cementing its position as a flagship event in the physiotherapy community.

Published: 14-03-2025

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