
  • Jayaram Maharjan Padmashree Institute of Physiotherapy, No-15, 2nd ‘A’ cross, Nrupathunganagar, NGEF Layout, Nagarbhavi, Bangalore-560072.
  • H. S. Mallikarjunaiah Padmashree Institute of Physiotherapy.



Static stretching, PNF stretching, Warm-up, sprinting performance, 40- yard sprint test


Background: A warm-up is important part of preparation for sprinting. There is popularity of doing stretching as part of warm up before athletic activity. The static stretching and PNF stretching is performed by athletes but their effectiveness on sprinting performance is in state of debate. The objective is to determine the effect of static stretching and PNF stretching on sprinting performance in college sprinters and to compare the effects of PNF stretching over static stretching on sprinting performance in college sprinters.
Method: A total of 100 subjects were taken for the study that fulfill the inclusion criteria and all were divided into group- A (static stretching) and group- B (PNF stretching) by simple random sampling method. Both the groups received 5 minutes of warm-up exercises. Pre-Post design was used, which consisted of running a 40-yard sprint immediately following 2 stretching conditions aimed at the lower limb muscles
Results: In static stretching group sprint time changed from 6.55 with standard deviation of 0.93 to 6.12 with standard deviation of 1.02 (P<.001) and in PNF stretching group sprint time changed from 6.73 with standard deviation of 1.22 to 6.23 with standard deviation of 1.10 (P<.001). However when comparing between group- A (6.12±1.02) and group- B (6.23±1.10) there was no significant difference (P>.605).
Conclusion: Hence both static stretching and PNF stretching can be performed before sprinting activity to improve the sprinting performance.


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