Effectiveness of Physiotherapy Treatment For Temporomandibular Hyperlaxity. Case Report
temporomandibular disorder; joint laxities; manual therapy; physical therapy; myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome; temporomandibular joint.Abstract
Background: temporomandibular dysfunctions (TMD) are considered a collection of pathologies that involve bitting muscles, temporomandibular articulation, and associated bone structures.
Case Summary: 21-year-old female, suffering from temporomandibular joint pain and joint sounds during jaw movements. A 14-day treatment plan was carried out in which manual therapy was performed on day seven and day 14, together with a home training plan every day. When comparing the data obtained, significant results were found for joint range, increased muscle strength, and increased pain. At the same time, non-significant results were obtained in terms of decreased range in mandibular opening and protrusion movements. In addition, the increased pressure sensation at the joint in this case report.
Outcome Measures: A tape measure was used in the joint assessment, together with a pressure algometer to quantify pain and the Daniels scale in the muscle assessment.
Conclusion: Therefore, this study confirms that manual therapy and a home-training schedule reduce pain and increase movement control over temporomandibular articulation.
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