Effect Of Mobile Learning-Based Teaching Materials Towards Learning Outcomes of Forehand Groundstroke In Tennis


  • Mario Febrian Graduate Program, State University of Jakarta, Rawamangun, 13220, Jakarta, Indonesia. email: mariofebrian_7217167604@mhs.unj.ac.id
  • James Tangkudung Sport Science Faculty, State University of Jakarta, Rawamangun, 13220, Jakarta, Indonesia.
  • Iman Sulaiman Zamzami Sport Science Faculty, State University of Jakarta, Rawamangun, 13220, Jakarta, Indonesia.




Mobile Learning, Teaching Materials, Tennis, Groundstroke, Forehand, Accuracy.


Background: There are no tennis teaching materials integrated with technology; so far, the teaching materials are only printed books. Many students feel bored quickly and find it difficult to understand those who only rely on books. Mobile learning is a learning model that utilizes information and communication technology. In this learning concept, mobile learning brings the benefits of the availability of teaching materials that can be accessed and the visualization of interesting material.

Methods: This study used an experimental design method in which 60 sports students were deliberately selected to be the research sample and divided into two groups, namely 30 students for the control group and 30 students for the experimental group. The instrument used to measure the learning outcomes of the forehand groundstroke is to hit the forehand groundstroke correctly over the net and enter the opponent's field where the target is in the form of numbers and are allowed to do a forehand groundstroke five times. The control and experimental groups used the same instrument to determine the tennis forehand groundstroke learning outcomes.
Results: The average learning outcomes of students' groundstroke forehand sports control group pre-test 6.23 and post-test 7.35, while the experimental group pre-test 6.77 and post-test 10.63. The experimental group that was given learning using mobile learning-based teaching materials got better grades and results than the control group that did not learn using mobile learning-based teaching materials.
Conclusion: It also shows an effect of mobile learning-based teaching materials on learning outcomes of forehand groundstroke in tennis. The use of mobile learning can improve the learning outcomes of the forehand groundstroke stroke.


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How to Cite

Mario Febrian, James Tangkudung, & Iman Sulaiman Zamzami. (2021). Effect Of Mobile Learning-Based Teaching Materials Towards Learning Outcomes of Forehand Groundstroke In Tennis. International Journal of Physiotherapy, 8(3), 198–202. https://doi.org/10.15621/ijphy/2021/v8i3/1057



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