Effect Of Exergaming On Core Muscle Endurance And Enjoyment In Young Adults: A Pilot Study


  • Dharti Shah Ph.D. Scholar, Faculty Of Physiotherapy, Sankalchand Patel University, Visnagar, Gujarat, India. Email: dharti16shah@gmail.com
  • Subhash Khatri Principal, Nootan College Of Physiotherapy, Sankalchand Patel University, Visnagar, Gujarat, India. Email: physiokhatri@gmail.com




Central core, endurance, video game, pleasure, adults, technology.


Background: The core provides a foundation for movement in the periphery and comprises muscles that stabilize central and peripheral major joints. Strength and endurance are both necessary for core stability, but poor endurance of core muscle is a major risk factor for low back pain in a healthy person. Despite traditional methods of improving core stability, poor adherence to exercise is a significant problem in young adults. In the 21st century, “exergame” or exercisebased video gaming is an attractive option for improving physical function. So, the present study aims to evaluate the effect of exergame on core muscle endurance and enjoyment of young adults.
Methods: Quasi-experimental research was used. Male and female participants (n=30,15 in the Intervention group and 15 in the Control group) were recruited. The intervention group was given training with Nintendo® Ring Fit Adventure (RFA) exergame three times a week for six weeks. The control group received a general core endurance training program with the same duration and frequency. The McGill endurance test assessed core muscle endurance. Enjoyment of exergame was assessed using an Exergame Enjoyment Questionnaire.
Results: The study showed that in both groups, there was a significant increase in endurance time (p<0.05). Betweengroup analysis showed that the intervention group had a highly significant difference in endurance time compared to the control group (p<0.01).
Conclusion: RFA exergame can offer more enjoyment while playing and improve young adults' core muscle endurance. Exergames can be an exciting way of improving physical function in the technological era.


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How to Cite

Dharti Shah, & Subhash Khatri. (2022). Effect Of Exergaming On Core Muscle Endurance And Enjoyment In Young Adults: A Pilot Study. International Journal of Physiotherapy, 9(3), 80–86. https://doi.org/10.15621/ijphy/2022/v9i3/1237



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