Physical characteristics, Batsmen, Batting technique, cricket Bowling, Bat swingAbstract
Background: The batting performance is assessed by considering the batting average and strike rate of a batsman. With the induction of T-20 cricket matches, the strike rate of a batsman has gained much attention from coaches and team management. To increase the strike rate a batsman required to hit powerful shots for boundaries, which assist in making maximum scores at the minimum ball. Therefore, this investigation was planned to determine the effect of body size on the batting performance of cricket batsman.
Methods: the literature for this study was selected for cricket coaching manual, cricket books, cricket batting videos, a biography of cricket batsmen, research articles. The academic documents were downloaded and shortlisted from Google Scholar, Research Gate, EBSCO, and ProQuest from 1990 to 2019.
Results: The synthesized literature review concludes, stature, longer legs, longer arms, and lean body mass of a batsman show positive effects on the execution of powerful shots in cricket. Furthermore, the maximum strength of muscles assists a batsman to boost up the initial velocity of bat swing to accomplish the ball speed for a successful and powerful shot.
Conclusions: Although stature and longer limbs of batsmen are associated with batting performance. On the other hand, the specific training would also enhance the capacity of cricket batsman for powerful shots in cricket. A future study was proposed to investigate the effect of training on the batting performance.
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