Bosu ball, Proprioceptive training, jump, football.Abstract
Background: Football is the sport that requires a lot of high-intensity dynamic movements like jump, i.e. while heading and kicking a ball. Unstable surfaces like Bosu ball in the fields of rehabilitation and general fitness are effective in joint stabilization by improving the sensory efficiency of soft tissue during dynamic activities. Thus the purpose of the study was to see the effects of Bosu ball exercise on jump performance in football players.
Methods: A total of 90 football players participated in the study. The players were categorized into two groups experimental group (n=45) who underwent Proprioceptive training on Bosu ball with their regular football training program and control group (n=45) underwent regular football training program. The players were trained for six weeks. Jump assessment at pre and post-intervention was done for all subjects using the single-leg hop test and Vertical Jump test.
Results: The results revealed a significant difference in pre and post assessment experimental > control group single-leg hop test and vertical jump test with p-value 0.000 (< 0.05).
Conclusion: Bosu ball training was effective in improving the single-leg hop distance and vertical jump height in male football players.
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