
  • Jean-Philippe Siracuse Researcher Physical Therapist in OrthoLab, Clinic of Domont, France.
  • Florian Forelli Researcher Physical Therapist in OrthoLab, Clinic of Domont, France. Co-director OrthoLab, Clinic of Domont, France. e-mail: fforelli@capio.fr
  • Jean Mazeas Researcher Physical Therapist in OrthoLab, Clinic of Domont, France.
  • Jérôme Sadaka Ankle and Foot Orthopaedic Surgeon, MD, Clinic of Domont, France.
  • Rémy Touzard Ankle and Foot Orthopaedic Surgeon, MD, Clinic of Domont, France.
  • Matthieu Trousselier Ankle and Foot Orthopaedic Surgeon, MD, Clinic of Domont, France.
  • Maude Traullé Researcher Physical Therapist in OrthoLab, Clinic of Domont, France. Co-director OrthoLab, Clinic of Domont, France.




hallux valgus, static postural balance, stabilometry, center of pressure.


Introduction: Hallux valgus is the most common condition found in the foot, caused by a progressive failure of the first ray stabilization means. The hallux is deviated into valgus, the first metatarsal into varus, and their association leads to a subluxation of the metatarsophalangeal joint of the first ray. Surgery is a treatment frequently used to correct this condition. So, is the static postural balance altered after corrective surgery?
Materials and Method: 23 subjects participated in the study, all women, divided into two groups: control and hallux valgus. The hallux valgus group was evaluated three months post-operatively. Bipodal tests were carried out on a stabilometry platform, one with eyes open and one with eyes closed. The pressure center parameters were recorded and analyzed, such as the length or the area of the pressure center.
Results: The results obtained showed significant differences between the two groups and were statistically significant, with a p-value of 0,05. The pressure center values are higher in the hallux valgus group.
Conclusion: Some results found in the literature agree with the results of the present study. There are significant deficits in the static postural balance three months after corrective surgery. Other studies with a larger sample may be performed to confirm or not the results of this study.


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How to Cite

Jean-Philippe Siracuse, Florian Forelli, Jean Mazeas, Jérôme Sadaka, Rémy Touzard, Matthieu Trousselier, & Maude Traullé. (2020). A PARTIAL FUNCTIONAL RESTORATION AFTER HALLUX VALGUS CORRECT SURGERY - A CONTROLLED PRELIMINARY STUDY. International Journal of Physiotherapy, 7(4), 162–166. https://doi.org/10.15621/ijphy/2020/v7i4/746



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