
  • K. Vadivelan Associate Professor, SRM College of Physiotherapy, SRM University, Kattankulathur-603203, Chennai, India.
  • Ms. Gowthami kiyanduru M.P.T., SRM College of Physiotherapy, SRM University, Kattankulathur-603203, Chennai, India.



Flatfoot, navicular, flat foot, medical arch, pesplanus


Background: Flatfoot may exist as an isolated pathology or as part of a larger clinical entity. These
entities include generalized ligamentous laxity, neurologic and muscular abnormalities, genetic
conditions, collagen disorders and structural disorder. Flat foot is found to be associated with pronated
foot. The objective of the study is to compare the effectiveness of foot taping versus custom-made
medial arch support on pronated flatfoot in school going children.

Methods: 60 students out of 130, aged 10 to 12 years were selected on the basis of inclusion criteria and
divided into three groups from two different higher secondary schools at Srikalahasti, in Chittoor
district, Andhra Pradesh. Group-A received custom-made medial arch support and foot strengthening
exercises, Group-B received kinesio taping and foot strengthening exercises , Group-C received foot
strengthening exercises for 4 weeks. The values of navicular drop test were taken after 4 weeks of
study. The pre and post-test values were compared and results were tabulated.

Results: All three groups showed significant improvement in navicular drop separately. No significant
difference was found in the post-test values of group-A, group-B, group-C (p>0.05). However, the
reduction of navicular drop was slightly more in group-B subjects treated with kinesio tape and foot
strengthening exercises when compared with other two interventions.
Conclusion: The study concluded that foot taping, custom-made medial arch support and foot
strengthening exercises were found to be effective on pronated flatfoot in school going children aged
10 to 12 years.


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How to Cite

Vadivelan, K. ., & kiyanduru, M. G. . (2015). COMPARISON OF FOOT TAPING VERSUS CUSTOM-MADE MEDIAL ARCH SUPPORT ON PRONATED FLATFOOT IN SCHOOL GOING CHILDREN. International Journal of Physiotherapy, 2(3), 491–501.



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