Physical Activity Preserve an Adequate Balance Profile in Active Hispanic-Latino Older Adults Participating in a Community Center


  • Martín G. Rosario Texas Woman's University, Physical Therapy Program, Dallas Campus; 5500 Southwestern Medical Ave. Dallas, TX 75235-7299. Email:
  • Aleena Jose Texas Woman's University, Physical Therapy Program, Dallas Campus; Texas.
  • Lara Davis Texas Woman's University, Physical Therapy Program, Dallas Campus; Texas.
  • Flavia Bayron University of Puerto Rico, Medical Sciences Campus, School of Physical Therapy, San Juan, Puerto Rico.



Active, Elderly Latino Population, Activities-specific Balance Confidence (ABC) scale, Mini BESTest (MBT), Balance.


Background: Prior research has examined fall risks in the elderly Caucasian population, though research on this topic in the elderly Latino population is still emerging. This inquiry investigates whether there are distinct balance characteristics in the active elderly Latino population and whether demographic factors and lifestyle choices influence these characteristics.
Methods: A total of 25 active participants who partake in Zumba and aqua aerobic classes at a community center participated in this study, with an average age of 71.6+/-7.2. A screening assessment tool (SAT) was administered to obtain demographic data. The Activities-specific Balance Confidence (ABC) scale and Mini-BESTest (MBT) were utilized to assess participants' balance.
Results: The most prevalent comorbidities in the group include high blood pressure (76%) and arthritis (64%). The average scores include 86.4% on the ABC, 1.5 points on the MBT items on a 0-2 grading scale, and 14.6 seconds on the TUG cognitive task. A significant positive correlation between the number of medications and the number of comorbidities was identified (r=0.448, p=0.025).
Conclusion: The acceptable balance scores among our participants surmise that engaging in physical activities improves perceived balance and balance performance, despite the prevalence of comorbidities or medication usage. Implementing fall prevention programs and balance assessments in community centers and clinicians explaining the importance of physical activity programs to both patients and physicians are strategies that can reduce the risk of falls in any elderly ethnic group.


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How to Cite

Martín G. Rosario, Aleena Jose, Lara Davis, & Flavia Bayron. (2021). Physical Activity Preserve an Adequate Balance Profile in Active Hispanic-Latino Older Adults Participating in a Community Center . International Journal of Physiotherapy, 8(1), 08–14.



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